Saturday, July 20, 2013

Goodbye beautiful Crown Lynn!

Yes the items are all for sale. I am trying to finance my latest venture to get my books onto Kindle; that is the re-edited versions. That costs heaps so out go my 'treasures.' I have heaps more and yes you can ask questions and even buy them. They will appear on Trade Me over the next few days but you can contact me direct if you wish, by going through my website and emailing me. There is a bit of 'Depression Glass' on there too. If you don't know about Crown Lynn, then this is not for you. I once had a garage sale where I had a CL dinner set for sale with 50 on it. The silly lady thought it was 50cents---must have been a 'rapper,' eh! Of course I should have put the $ sign on it!
I have 4 of these trios.
Ain't that pretty---1970's

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