Saturday, December 6, 2014

South Korea---glad to see you back!

I have missed seeing South Korea in my reading list. You were amongst my most avid readers, then you disappeared. It's not as if I was writing hard-hitting blogs about you---no, I reserved that for the 'Dear Leader' to the north. SK is one of my favourite countries and proof of that can be found in my purchases. I love my Samsung phone and TV and my car is a Hyundai. Yes, I would love to visit SK---not so sure about your neighbour of course! Now---how about you purchasing from NZ---my book, ROSKILL. It is a hard hitting story of what can happen when a parent 'does what he tells his children not to do! Just follow the links from my website and either order the hard-copy or the EBook version. Please share this post with your friends and 'like my ROSKILL page on Face Book.

My artistic day with plenty of 'sustaining gourmet delights.'

Today began with a quick trip to the 'Bay' with Perdy to see if the much vaunted new cycle/walk bridge had been installed in the middle of the night. Voila---it had. Now we need to wait patiently for the remainder of the bay enhancement programme (NZ$28 million)to be completed. Perdy and I then headed to Doug's where after a quick cuppa and a slice of his delightful cake, we set about drilling holes in pumice and threading the 'stones' onto fishing line. Yeah, I know--not necessarily artistic but with the addition of a few shells collected from special places, we were both happy with the results. Perdy 'helped' and then resumed her endless search for the elusive possum. All that's needed now--a visit to the Gypsy Fair and a feed of NZ Green Lipped mussels and a small helping of chicken stew, cooked gently in the oven. Perdy of course had yet another walk. What's she doing now? Why--she's crashed on the bed!