Saturday, April 6, 2013

Marie Krarup---you must be very 'popular' in Denmark, amongst other right wing racists!

I hope no New Zealander would ever travel overseas, then receive a special welcome, only to then denigrate the hosts and insult a people. I suppose it is possible because no 'nation' is exempt from having bigoted and insensitive people. The gracious hosts of the Powhiri that endured the remarks made by this Danish politician of a fringe party on the right took her insulting remarks in their stride saying that 'perhaps the process of the welcome (Powhiri)  should have been explained better.'
This ignorant women shot off her mouth with what can only be described as an uninformed diatribe against a ceremony that has its roots many centuries ago. Most New Zealanders are now familiar with it and accept the moving and very emotional 'welcome' as part of everyday life.
Unfortunately we too have our share of bigots in our wonderful; country but that does not reflect on us as a people, nor should the utterances of Ms Krarup  be used to think less of Denmark, a nation not too dissimilar to New Zealand. No doubt her words will be assigned to where they most fittingly belong---the rubbish bin!

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