Saturday, January 5, 2013

What would you do if a family member starts taking 'P'? (Methamthetamine)

There would be very few countries in the world where the taking of illegal and often dangerous drugs is not a problem. Those that say they don’t have an issue probably have their heads in the sand.

New Zealand has a problem with ‘P’ which is our name for Methamphetamine.  It is known by various other names on other countries. The person taking the drug rapidly descends into a dark world where the family, business and individuals do not function as they used to. Families are ripped apart and business cease to exist as the ‘partaker’ takes more and more of the drug to chase the ‘shifting goal posts.’ After those first initial ‘hits’ where a state of euphoria is reached, they never quite hit it again; so begins the quest for that feeling. The problem is, all that ‘was’ starts to disappear as they search for the ‘holy grail.’ Too bad about the collateral damage along the way!

Roskill’, my second book, is a book for teenagers and their families. What would you do if your partner enters the world of ‘P’ and you watch as he/she starts to pull away. Your kids find their own way of coping, sometimes putting themselves at risk. Roskill explores this possibility and poses some dangerous solutions. Check ‘Roskill’ out on my website.  It has been recommended by Ron Phillips, author and psychotherapist, who has worked with families for many years. He is also a story teller and his work is widely known in numerous countries. Check out the link to his website and his work through my website.  You can also buy ‘Roskill’ and my other two books, ‘Coastal Yarns’ and ’Talk To Me’ from my site to through  and finally through me direct at Just ask and I can arrange delivery and payment.

 Have a great new year.

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