Sunday, December 16, 2012

I had the first appointment--

Yeah, I went along to see the surgeon. His name is Greg Beeban. I feel I can totally trust him and will go ahead some time in April. I can't wait to get on with it. It's costing heaps because I am too old for the freebie from the state. I read somewhere online that I should not have lots of 'last suppers, because that is setting myself up for 'bad habbits'---yeah right--- like my last 30 years have been a prime example of 'gastronomic balance?' Actually, I am finding that I am already putting into place an action plan that will support my 'smaller sleaved stomach.' Anyone reading this who either wants to know more about the procedure or has been through bariatric surgery---give me some feedback or contact me on
PS--- But don't try to talk me out of it or try to put me onto some 'tree hugging diet.' Been there, done that!

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