It has been a beautiful day in Auckland, for the first day of 2015. I had taken Perdy out for a walk this morning and I was contemplating another outing, probably to the good old tried and true, Bay, down at Onehunga, but then a friend rang to say how about we try getting 'stoned.' Well, that is a bit of a stretch---what I am trying to say but couldn't resist the provocative and entirely untrue statement thus made. My dear friend was suggesting we take the two dogs, Perdy and Mandy to the Stone Fields near the Auckland Airport. It is a rugged expanse of rocky outcrops with lots of stone fences, built by early settlers in order to get rid of the stones from an ancient eruption, so that they could farm the fields. Off we went and the dogs were in heaven. Of course Perdy's idea of an outing with attitude is one in which she can jump in, roll in, shite, anything with colour, smell and only a bath in a cow trough brought her back to her pristine white with spots! The two dogs smiled the entire time---they just loved this place. Heather and I will be going back, provably with a picnic and more friends---yeah and more dogs! We didn't bother trying to climb the many Avocado tress there, but others did and were going home with generous quantities. What a beautiful day. How could we not stop on the way home at the Ice-cream place that adds real strawberries to the mix. Yeah, you guessed it---Perdy is already on the bed, asleep. She will of course rise again to partake in her dinner. In the meantime a gentle peace has lowered itself upon my little home---for how long--anyone's guess.!

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