Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Nice to see Switzerland reading my blogs!

Every so often I notice a bit of a hit from a 'new country,' leading me to assume that they are reading my blogs or my FB page. Of course the two are interconnected, so a bit of 'over-flow' is to be expected. It was encouraging to see Switzerland hitting my site today and I hope it continues. I am always curious as to whether it is multiple readers or one person reading various blogs. Whoever you are---thank you. Hopefully you have ordered either hard-copy of Roskill or the download. I am curious to know what it costs to get 'hard-copy' via Amazon, in Europe, so do let me know. I know that the cost is really prohibitive if one does so from NZ, hence my encouraging people to order the book directly from me at It is a great deal cheaper for Kiwis to do it that way. Spread the word, dear reader in Switzerland.

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