About two years ago I had my Hyundai accent (2000 model) serviced and they gave me a courtesy car for the day. It was a Hyundai 2010 Gezt. By the time I handed it back after collecting my serviced ‘old car,’ I just had to buy the damn thing. It was a ‘want’ rather than a ‘need,’ but nevertheless I went ahead and ‘did’ it. There were no regrets as the little slightly less powered Gezt has been a delight to drive and very reliable. Now 123,000 kilometres later, it is still going a treat.
Today, I dropped the Gezt off for servicing and the y gave me new I.20. I didn’t expect much difference and from what I had read, that seemed to be a good place to start. I did learn from a bit of research that the new I.20 has a five star safety rating, something very important these days and it was reported to be a little bit peppier and more miserly on the gas than my current car.
OK, I picked it up and the controls were much the same. It had that ‘new car’ smell that we all like and once on the motorway it purred along, just a tad quieter than my older car. I did not speed, just in case the guys at the workshop are reading this! Perhaps it is a tiny bit perkier; do I put that down to it being a new car or is it a bit more sophisticated?
My overall rating; one that would inform me as to whether I do a change over in about a year’s time when I propose to buy my first ever ‘new’ car----maybe yes, but possibly not. If I can, I think I could go for the I30 or new Accent. That little it of extra room (although I think the new I.20 may even be slightly bigger than the one I have at present.) and obvious power difference, may swing the day, but price considerations will need to be seriously looked at---come the day. Would I be satisfied if I had to settle for the I.20? Yes I would, but I may also consider a Suzuki Swift Sports model too---now that has some guts!
In the meantime, it’s going to be back to my trusty Gezt, this afternoon, when I drop the gleaming white I.20 back to its home.
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