Tuesday, January 28, 2014

'Our' Lorde had a hard time with the media srcum and made sure we all knew.

Lorde has made most New Zealanders feel pretty damn proud with her marvellous scooping of two Grammies a few days ago. We already know she is just that little bit different to many other 'stars,' quite a number of whom start behaving in quite bizarre ways once they hit the 'big time.' I don't need to list names here. What Lorde is now finding is that she has 'become the property of the nation,' and in a sense the media scrum she quite rightly criticized in some later to be deleted tweets, is just part and parcel of her new fame. Lorde is going to need to dig deep from here on because she can't have it both ways. The adulation attracts less than positive 'other factors' and how she handles them will be the measure of her deeper qualities.  However, it must be said, that no one can blame a person, be they famous or not, after having endured  the mad whirlwind of activity in the USA, followed by a long flight to NZ and then having to face the 'media, for maybe being a bit cranky. I think Lorde knew that she may have 'dipped-off' online, judging by the rapid withdrawal of her comments about the media, but no doubt she will take it in her stride as she learns to deal with the massive amount of attention that is now hers whether she likes it or not. We will see a stronger, more resilient Lorde, and yes---give her a break in the country she calls 'home.' Let's keep it that way and make NZ her safe haven. It's OK to serve a few hits at the media, Lorde. Well done---keep it real.
(Website is undergoing a redesign and will be back up in a few weeks, with a 'new look.')

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